Calvary Chapel Windsor was founded by Scott and Nancy Cox during the summer of 2006, starting with a small group Bible study on the book of Acts in their home. Sunday morning services began in October at Windsor High School cafeteria going through the book of Genesis with about 20 people.
God was faithful, and the church slowly grew. In January 2011, the church started airing a radio show on 89.7 GraceFM. In May of that year, church services moved to Windsor Community Playhouse, and a neighboring unit was rented for the high school youth group, children’s ministries and Bible studies. Scott worked outside of the church for the first several years but left secular work with the City of Greeley in 2015 to go into full-time church ministry.
In late 2017, True North church leaders approached Pastor Scott about merging the two congregations. True North needed leadership, and Calvary needed a building.
True North Church was founded as Church on the Ancient Path in 2003. Many people were saved and deepened their walk with the Lord through that ministry. The church flourished during the first 13 years and changed its name to True North in 2016. Sadly, the church went through a split, and the pastor resigned in the summer of 2017.
It turned out to be a great fit, and the two churches merged under the name Calvary Chapel Windsor in March 2018. It has been a blessing and an honor to be joined together as one congregation.
In July 2022, Scott and Nancy Cox were called home to be with Jesus. Both were tragically killed in an auto accident while on their way to Glacier National Park in Montana. They are missed greatly.
Calvary Windsor spent the next year waiting for the Lord to bring a new senior pastor. In the interim, Bob Claycamp of Poimen Ministries served as the transitional senior pastor to help teach and lead the church.
Michael Bennett was selected as the new senior pastor in August 2023.
Favorite verse - Exodus 34:6-7: The LORD, the LORD, the gracious and compassionate God; slow to anger, abounding in mercy and faithfulness, showing love to thousands of generations, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.
Scott grew up in a small town in western Colorado and lived a fairly typical American boy’s lifestyle. He graduated from the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley with a degree in geography, and he landed a job in northern California as a cartographer (map maker) in 1991. While in California, he met a young woman, Nancy, who was a Christian.
Nancy immediately invited Scott to Bible study and church (Calvary Chapel Modesto). Scott began reading the Bible and praying, but he wasn’t saved. Over the course of the next five months, all of Scott’s objections to Jesus were answered. One evening, alone in his car, Scott surrendered his life to God. He asked for forgiveness of all the horrible things he’d ever done. And the weight of all the sin he’d been carrying for years was lifted.
Scott and Nancy married and in 1993 and moved to Colorado Springs. They attended Rocky Mountain Calvary and began volunteering in various ministries, including teaching children.
In 1998, Scott started teaching Bible studies with workmates and later led a home Bible study group through the Gospel of Matthew. Scott found that promotions and raises were no longer motivating him. God was redirecting his life toward ministry.
In 2005, Rocky Mountain Calvary hired Scott as part of their pastoral staff. But the burden to begin a new work for God’s kingdom was still strong. In the summer of 2006, the Coxes sold their home and moved to Windsor to start Calvary Chapel Windsor. They knew only one family in town.
It all started with a Thursday night Bible study at their home, going through the book of Acts. God gave Scott a job with the City of Greeley as a map maker. In October 2006, Calvary Chapel Windsor was officially born with Sunday services being held at the Windsor High School cafeteria. God blessed the teaching of His word by changing lives and growing His church. Eventually, a new, permanent location for the church came about in March 2018 with the True North Church merger.