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The Bibilical Citizenship: Constitution Alive! class is designed to equip and educate a generation of citizen leaders to champion the cause of Truth and Freedom in every sector of society, as we help restore our Constitutional Republic and Biblical principles that can cause a nation to thrive. This is not "political" but is a way of teaching our duty of participating in the U.S.A.'s Constitutional Republic form of government that was established by the Hand of Providence.
Biblical Citizenship and Constitution Alive classes will be held throughout the year. They are taught by Patriot Academy Certified Constitutional Coaches. We will be using the Patriot Academy Curriculum of "Biblical Citizenship in Modern America" and "Constitution Alive" which provide a captivating overview of the Constitution, filmed in Independence Hall where it was actually framed, along with historically accurate and intriguing facts and artifacts from the founding era, all enhanced with teachings and interviews from pastors and other Christian leaders who are engaged in today’s cultural battles! Throughout our history, American pastors & churches have played a vital role in establishing and preserving religious and civil liberty. Being “salt & light” requires knowledge of the culture we are attempting to preserve as we fulfill the Great Commission to “make disciples.” Being Biblical Citizens requires a knowledge of Biblical principles and how to apply them to the world around us. Our church can be the catalyst for restoring Biblical values in our neighborhood, State, and Nation.
The next class is TBA.